Problems In Higher Education

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Everyone likes college life. The charm of higher education attracts the students to take admissions in famous universities and colleges.

College life is very different from school life. Higher education is the only factor which pushes the students to opt for college or university.

We face various issues, whenever we take a step forward towards higher education.

Let’s discuss the problems we face in higher education.

Variety of Courses

The first issue in higher education is the variety of courses available. For the new students, it becomes very difficult to go for the right one.

The complexity of subjects makes the students confused. In a hurry, they take admission in wrong courses which results into poor academic performance.

There are many factors which create confusion in choosing the right course. These are as follows:

1. For the first time, school students don’t understand the scope and significance of course.

2. They were not aware of the curriculum available in the subject.

3. Most of the students follow each other, and they neglect personal interests.


Admission System

There are some flaws in the system of admission under higher education.

Indian Admission System is the combination of reservation policies, merit system, and gender preferences.

Students have to wait for a long time in counseling sessions and documents verifications.

That is the reason, most of the students apply in foreign universities.

If we take a look at the reservation policies, then it’s very traditional and messy.

Meritorious students don’t get admissions because the priority is given to the reserved categories.

There is a lack of universities which are for both male and females. Most of the colleges are reserved either for girls or specifically for boys.

It creates much chaos if there are a large number of students who are applying for higher education.



Curriculum and Subject variations is a big problem for every student.

There are many courses which don’t have the proper curriculum. There is a lack of relevant content available.

Students have to depend on the google search for most of the topics. There is less number of books which are available for dynamic subjects like population education.

If you found the content then, there are language barriers. Some of the books are not available in Hindi and Punjabi language.


Fee Structure And Finance Issues

Education costs are very high in colleges. You must have 20-30 k in hand while applying for the regular courses.

We can say that correspondence courses are cheaper than the regular. The benefits attached with regular courses attract the students towards them.

There is one to one interaction in the regular courses, and you have access to basic facilities like hostels and libraries.

But the fee structure falls heavy on the pocket of middle-class people.

Most of the meritorious students come from middle-class families.

They risk their career growth by taking admission in correspondence courses.

They do it because of the high fee and educational expenses. No doubt, we can avail the facilities like study loan.

But not all of the students have the same economic positions.

The loan process is very lengthy, and it takes a long time to approve. Scholarships and fee concessions are also limited to the particular categories.

It becomes difficult for parents to manage the educational expenses of children.

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Teaching Faculty and other Administrative staff play a significant role in a student’s life.

But at the college level, there are large communication gaps between the faculty and students. So it becomes complicated for the new students to cope with the environment.

Lack of interaction between students and teachers creates many problems.

Most of the time students don’t clear their study doubts from the teacher. And the reason behind this is hesitation and lack of confidence.

This happens because teaching faculty doesn’t take the initiative of one to one communication with students.

If we see from their point of view, then it’s correct, because there are a large number of students in a single course.

It’s very tough to communicate with every student and know their performance.


Academic Freedom

Academic liberation is necessary for positive progress in life. But it’s very unfortunate, that most of the students don’t get the academic freedom.

There are personal and societal reasons which binds the academic freedom. Sometimes, people are bind to remain illiterate.

There are other financial constraints which make the people to do so. Academic freedom is bound by societal rules and rigid traditional outlook.

People with old thinking always neglect the education of girl child. They prefer to teach their son so that he can earn the livelihood.

Personal problems, such as family responsibility, financial issues, place of living, are also considered as hurdle in academic freedom.


Educational Policies

Indian Education system contains various rules and regulations. Some rules are equal for all the educational institutions.

Every institute has its policies. These policies proved to be very rigid, and useless most of the time.

Most of the institutes give preference to their staff members in job and admissions.


Low-Grade Institutes

There are a large number of private universities and institutions.

Every year Government of India and UGC(now NTA) publishes the list of fake institutes and universities.

These are not registered, and they don’t have any official identity. They have the low quality of teaching and outdated study material.

Most of the students don’t get to know about it, and they take admissions in such institutions.

This is the biggest threat in the progress and career development of students.


Quality of Teaching

The quality of teaching affects students academic performance. In lack of trained teachers, various colleges hire guest teaching faculty.

Sometimes they also teach the other subjects in which they are not expert.

Students learn from the inexperienced teachers. Quality of teaching also affected by inadequate study material.

Most of the curriculum is not updated with the latest technology and upgradations. Students gain the outdated and half information.

Therefore they lack general knowledge and current affairs.


Moral Issues

We see very less number of students who want to devote time to the country development.

They only see the dream of the high post and big income. Thoughts of self-development has deep-rooted in the mind of students.

They prefer foreign universities and international jobs. Educated person leave off their parents behind and move abroad.

People are migrating from their native places to international countries.



Higher studies come with the unequal rights and different guidelines. Rules are not the same for all.

Most of the students don’t get their choice of course because of the rigid admission system.

Reserved categories are preferred first in allocating admission seats to students. It’s not bad to keep some seats reserved.

But the unfair allotments are wrong. People use fakes certificates for gaining reservations.

It’s a very common practice in India and nothing be to hide about it.

Even in the college campus, students are judged on the basis of academic merit.

Mostly their sports experience and achievements got neglected.


Student Unrest

Indiscipline in students is very common nowadays. This indiscipline has crossed the limits.

Earlier it was limited to bunking the classes and making noise in the classroom.

But now the level of indiscipline is very high. Indiscipline turned into violence and aggression.

The main reason for student unrest is the present education system. They do not fulfill their promises.

Students don’t get the chance to fulfill their dreams.

For taking revenge from the system, students do strikes. They try to hit the teaching faculty and administration of the educational institute.

If the students are not guided, and we don’t teach moral values to them, then they will become a threat to the education system.

Suggested Readings: Benefits of Online Education

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