Youth problems are the common issues that our generation is facing now and if you find a solution for one problem then the other one arises.
These problems are never-ending. But there are some common problems that we are facing today and will continue to exist in the upcoming days.
Common Problems Facing By Youth Today:
Single Parent House

In metropolitan and megacities people always leave away from home due to their jobs or study purpose.In most of the cases, the job is the biggest cause of living alone.
It is very common that in married life people give preference to their job and they live alone instead of living together.
But in this hustle, the victim is our upcoming generation. They don’t get the care and proper upbringing which should be done by their parents together.
Death of husband or wife affects their child a lot and we can understand the feeling of living without parents.
Our youth generation is facing single parent problem and we need to look after the measures to improve it.
Growing Up Fast

The common thing that we all share is life like a race. You have to look and think more than your age.
Parents want their children to grow up fast and take all the responsibilities on their own.
The big phenomenon is you have to grow up according to your parents.
It’s very common that the expectations of our parents force us to grow up fast and look like that you are a proper gentleman.
Disparity in Education
Education is an important thing in everyone’s life.But all of us don’t get the chance to take proper education due to various reasons.
These reasons include economic instability, poverty, lack of resources etc. Also, the biggest cause of education disparity is the medium of education.
Students who have studied in Hindi medium school feel it difficult to cope up with the environment of English medium school.
Our youth generation is in the storm of education disparity and variation.
Violence in Schools

Our youth generation faces a lot of violence in schools and institutes. Violence causes physical and mental disabilities.
Sometimes, the teacher does bad behavior with students. And we all have seen in many cases where teachers used to beat the students.
The violent nature of students is also caused by the fight with friends and harassment of seniors.
The burden of the study also causes aggression in students.

Materialism is a common issue in our society. A materialistic person gives importance to money.
It also affects our youth generation and they often compare themselves with other.
They ask for the things that their friends have like costly phones and stylish clothes.
Therefore, they do unfair activities for fulfilling their demands. Like robbery, snatching etc.
We should think about it seriously. And effective measures are necessary for removing it from the society.
Wrong Career Guidance

Problems of youth also include one of the major issue i.e. wrong career guidance in the initials days of building up their career.
When children are at senior secondary levels in schools, then they worry about choosing the best course in colleges.
And the common phenomenon is that most students follow up with their friends instead of seeing their interests and abilities.
It happens most of the time, students choose the same courses and college whichever their friends are choosing.
But this wrong choice ruins their career in the upcoming life. Actually, students follow other only when they don’t find proper guidance.

Hesitation is one of the common youth problems. It occurs when someone has a lack of confidence.
Our youth generation is facing the issue of hesitation.But why this happens? Why do you feel nervous?
No doubt, you have the knowledge and professional skills but the absence of interpersonal skills causes hesitation.
The negative effects of hesitation are bad personality, bad impression and communication gaps.
It’s easy to remove your hesitation. Confidence matters a lot for removing hesitation.
We hope you will like easy personality development skills for raising your confidence level.
You can read it here

The biggest concern of youth generation is getting a job.
But finding a dream job is a hard thing to achieve. We always face difficulty in choosing the right industry and to find job opportunities there.
Wrong career guidance leads to unemployment.
We can’t say that career guidance is the only reason for unemployment.
There many problems faced by an individual in getting a job like communication and interpersonal skills, technology, professional skills, and most important proper education.
Unemployment cause stress among youths. They commit suicide, which is not good for their families and society as well.

The big youth problem is the no factor. In their entire life, they face many rejections.
They get rejections in their school and college life, love relationships and most importantly in jobs.
Actually, negativity starts from “no” and then there are very fewer chances that a person takes anything positive.
Positive behavior affects by rejections but it doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything in your life.
You can and you will achieve your goals. Always remember the saying of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
“If you get No as an answer, remember N.O. means “Next Opportunity”
Negative Perception of Parents

The major problem of youth generation is the negative perception of their parents. Nowadays everybody has android phones with internet connections.
And if you want to know about something then you just search it on google. But parents think we stick to our mobile whole the day.
We are too sure that you have must face this wrong perception in your life. But it’s not true that you are right all the time????.
Love Life and Broken Relationships

It’s common to have love relationships in today’s generations.
But these can be good as well as bad and their nature affects your life as a whole.
Why people give importance to someone and make them feel special. Love life is beyond these limits.
Especially our youth generation finds it difficult to express their feelings to their special one.
As a result, they use the wrong methods for proving their love. And these wrong methods include only two things violence with our self or with their partner.
Many people are unaware of the negative impacts of broken relationships in their life.
Broken relationships cause mental illness. We should give extra care and time to our partners.
Sexual Harassment

It’s wrong to say that sexual harassment is a common issue.
Sexual harassment is the major problem of all the countries. It’s a security concern for our youth generation.
Wrong touch and sexual abuse are the issues that stick as a worm with our society.
We are not putting allegations on someone, but it’s true people abuse children sexually and mentally for their own benefits.
Today sexual abuse is not limited to the wrong touch but it crosses the limits and every day we are hearing numerous cases of rape all around the world.
Youth are the target of abusers because they know they can pressurize them by offering various facilities like a job and money.
And most of the individuals become victims of rape and sexual assault. It’s an appeal to all the youngsters that be alert and safe.

Every youth is having some kind of stress in their life. They are suffering from major and minor stress issues.
The nature of stress totally depends upon the psychology of your mind.
People usually make stress as a part of their life, but they are not aware of the negative effect of stress on our health and mind.
Education, school and college life gives a lot of stress. Try to deal with it and you will definitely defeat it.